Sticking With Your Exercise Programme

Sticking With Your Exercise Programme

Friday 5th May 2023
Gemma B

Sticking with your exercise programme

Success of a Physiotherapy programme relies on dedication and consistency. The more active you are in your own recovery, the faster you will make gains. This means sticking with your exercises and making new healthy habits. Below are some tips to set you up for success:

Set Goals

Remember the reason why you started. Keeping a meaningful purpose in mind can help you to visualise an end goal. Take baby steps to get there. Smaller short-term goals can break the journey down. Goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.


Come up with a reward for when you meet your goals. It can be something as simple as having a bubble bath.


Do your exercises in the same place, at the same time. For example, exercise every time you are waiting for the kettle to boil. Your programme should be just as much a habit as brushing your teeth.

Record Sessions

Taking pictures and videos along your journey can help you track progress. Alternatively, writing and reflecting on exercises can help you maintain a record. When you are feeling demotivated, it will be encouraging to look back at where you began.

Workout Buddy

When your inner demons order you to the sofa, a workout partner can help keep you on track. You are less likely to skip your exercise if you know someone else is counting on you to show up.


Smart watches are a great way to monitor step count. Daily calendar reminders can get you into new habits. Physiotherapists mostly use exercise programmes that allow you to virtually track your pain and adherence. Ticking it off is oddly satisfying!


Competition with others through your step count can make things more fun. Also, compete with yourself, aim for your own personal best.


Think about activities you enjoy and combine this with your daily activities such as, dance to music as you do the cleaning.

Be Honest

If you don't understand the reason behind an exercise, ask why. The more you understand, the more likely you are to commit. If you haven't been able to stick with your programme then problem solve this with your Physiotherapist. We are here to support you, identify barriers and suggest ways to move forwards.

Booking an Appointment

If you would like to find out more about Estuary Physio services, please get in touch with us today and speak with one of our clinicians.

Helpful Respources

NHS Page on Exercise

Medical Review

The information on this page has been reviewed for accuracy by Barry Ford BSc MCSP, Physiotherapist