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Is low blood pressure preventing you form exercising with Parkinsons?

Wednesday 25th January 2023
Estuary Physio

Low blood pressure can be frustrating and worrying. Symptoms can be severe enough to limit or even stop you from feeling safe to exercise. There are different causes of low blood pressure and in some cases, it can be directly related to Parkinson's. The good news is with specialist input from a Physiotherapist and your neurologist, they can get you back on track and moving again. Tips to discuss with your therapist or medical team: Check with your neurologist to see if your low blood pressure is linked to your medication Keeping a symptom day chart might help to identify this * Try drinking 500 ml / 16.9 oz of water prior to exercise * Avoid heavy carbohydrate meals which direct blood supply…

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What is Neuro Physio and how is it different to standard Physiotherapy ?

Friday 29th July 2022
Estuary Physio

Neuro physios are physiotherapists who have specialised in the treatment of individuals with neurological conditions - those which affect the brain and spinal cord. Within their training they learn how to manage the symptoms associated with different neurological conditions, these may include muscle weakness, loss of sensation and muscle stiffness (spasticity). Clients with neurological conditions can experience difficulties with everyday activities such as walking, standing and getting up the stairs. Neuro Physios will spend time analysing movement in order to identify specific limitations or blocks which may be holding clients back from achieving a goal. Using this information, they will be able to help re-educate certain movement patterns with specific handling techniques or exercises. Otherwise, they may help clients find alternative…

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